Sunday 2 October 2016


Guava is a very popular local fruit and mostly recognized for its delicious taste specifically ripe guava. 

As per various research study conducted in various countries, it is found that if you eat one guava each day, it can easily remove all types of physical problem. 
The guava provides the following health benefits :-

Advantages of eating guava

1) Prevents hair fall
Guava contains Vitamin C that is particularly effective to prevent hair fall. If you eat one guava each day, it will also help to grow new hair.

2) Remove various skin problem
In Guava, there is about 81% of water. So, if you eat guava, water deficiency in your body will be removed and your skin remains healthy. Vitamin C in guava can protect collagen tissue in your skin. There are also Vitamin A, B, C, potassium and antioxidant in guava which resist pre-aging problem in your body.
3) Protects the brain
Guava can protect the functionality of brain. Vitamin A in Guava improves the functioning of the brain, by relaxing the nerve of the brain. 

4) nerve and the muscles relaxed
Guava contains plenty of magnesium, which helps to relax the muscles after a lot of hard work. It also relaxes nerve.
5) Control high blood pressure 
Potassium in guava can easily control high blood pressure.

6) Make eyesight sharp
Guava contains vitamin A that can improve your eye sight significantly.

7) Reduce Blood Sugar level and solve digestive problem
Guava contain plenty of fiber that can easily solve your digestive problem. Guava is specifically effective in reducing blood sugar levels.